Saturday, September 15, 2012

How I got here

It amazes me to think that I am typing this from North Dakota. Is it just me or did it all happen so fast? It really was only three months ago that I got the call from Terry, my husband, about a possible promotion that involved moving out of state. It was Friday June 1st when my phone rang and on the other side was Terry who quickly said "Matt called me and asked if I would relocate," I remember it all so perfectly. My response was "YES, I will go where you go, I will follow you!" I remember calling my Mom to tell her of the possible relocation to Wyoming on Friday, come Monday it was North Dakota and a promotion.  Two weeks later we were in North Dakota looking at homes and "just visiting," trying to get a feel for things. If you ask my Mom and my best friend, they will both tell you that they knew on Friday that Terry and I were moving!

It seemed like such a huge decision! We already owned a home in South Louisiana, I was in the middle of my internship for my master's, I had a full time job, my 18 month old was doing great in daycare, both our parents were 20 mins away, everyone and everything I knew lived by me; how could I leave it all behind? It was too much to think about, it was too over whelming! After a very LONG weekend and no sleep I decided we couldn't move, I could barely handle the idea of moving. I called a friend who recently moved to Minnesota form South Louisiana with her husband and two boys. After about ten mins on the phone with her she asked me the most profound question "What does God want for your life?" After I hung up with her I got down on my knees and gave the whole situation to God, I knew it was too much for me. The days, weeks, and month that followed are a whirlwind. Everything worked out perfectly. We got the house I wanted, the money was right, there would be no major hiccups in my graduation, the equity in our current home was more than we hoped, my job at the time was ready for a transition. Our worst case scenario was better than most people's current situation.

I still have no idea how this happened so fast or worked out so perfectly, all I know is this is the happiest I have been! And for me, a woman who walks not by sight but by faith, that is enough. I don't need to know how or why, I just need to be thankful! 

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