Saturday, October 27, 2012


Every day Terry Paul does something new that amazes me.

Today he made poo poo and pee pee on the potty. Two days ago he started pointing to letters of the alphabet and naming them. He counts perfectly to ten and can identify about 15 animals by sound. He speaks in 3-4 word sentences and has most of his favorite books memorized. Now don't get me wrong, he is 21 months old and still very much a toddler. He eats his boogers, is fascinated by his pee pee, drags the cats around the house by their tails, and demands every moment of my attention. 

Of all the new things he has learned and started doing recently these five seconds remain my favorite.

Isn't that the most perfect expression? I am glad that I took these photos on Thursday! Thursday's are my 'clean floor days.' Look how pretty the are!

If you want to see the video click here: MMMM oranges

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