Saturday, October 6, 2012

Everyday moments

Sometimes, if your lucky, there come these moments. Moments when it all makes sense. Moments when you realize what you were meant to do. Moments that will define your life. For me, that moment was the first time I held my son. At that exact moment I knew that nothing else in life mattered. 

Those moment seem to happen a lot more these days. Every new word, new motor skill, new laugh makes my life more than it ever was. Every hug, every kiss, every bo bo melts my heart. A broken toy followed by "fix it" and kissed bo bo followed by "all better" is another piece to this puzzle called life. 

Funny thing is that my favorite moment's don't involve me at all. These moment are between a son who looks at his Daddy for help and a father whose heart is filled with love and joy just by the presence of his son. These are the moments I live for, the moments I long to see, and the moments when I know we made the right decision moving here. 

For those of you who wonder how I did it, how I left Louisiana without hesitation, my only answer can be that you were never lucky enough to witness Terry and Terry Paul's love for each other. My Mom calls them "The Mutual Admiration Society." Boy is she right. 

Home for me is more than a house, more than geographical proximity to my friends and family. Home is where my husband and son are. Where " Daddy's gonna get that belly" is followed not by Terry Paul running to hide, but by him running into the arms of the tickle monster he calls Daddy. Home for me is watching my husband be the man, the father I never had. 

In my home, moments are made everyday! 


  1. Sweet post! I melt when Michael reads to Will :)

    1. The bond between a father and his son is amazing! You will only grow to love these moments more.
